Tag Archive: singing

Denmark Festival of Voice weekend

The Denmark Festival of Voice is where the whole of Denmark comes alive with song and music in the form of choirs, song writers, spoken word, poetry and so much more including many different workshops.  It starts on Friday night at the Civic Centre and continues on till late Sunday night.  There’s a festival club each night where everyone can wind down and dance and have a great time.  You can purchase tickets for the day or the whole weekend and there is so much to do each day that you end up just strolling around from one venue to the next to see what’s happening.  There are also a number of free venues for those who just want to roam around and not purchase a ticket.  I played at http://mrsjonescafe.com on Saturday at lunchtime and then at Chilli, Lime and Salt Cafe https://www.facebook.com/Chilli-Lime-Salt-Cafe-Denmark-Florist-1431642290407728/ on Sunday early evening.  Thanks to http://www.denmarkarts.com.au for putting on such a lavish weekend and to Vivienne Roberts for doing such a great job of organising, coordinating staff and booking such a great bunch of acts.  If you’re looking for something to do over the June long weekend I highly recommend a trip to Denmark Western Australia and get in amongst it.

Photo: http://www.hazelblake.com.au

Mrs Jones Cafe, Denmark Western Australia

Mrs Jones Cafe, Denmark Western Australia

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